Monday, December 17, 2007

A Meditation Technique for Dealing with Headaches

By: Jimmy Cox

De-stress yourself. This is particularly true for those who suffer from tension headaches. Below I have included some tips on how to distress your self.

Meditation brings with it peace of mind as we learn to observe our surroundings. We become one with it and it helps us to focus our mental energy on one thing at a time.A lot of it is lost on extraneous things. Through the process of meditation we can harness this energy and use it for constructive purposes.

In the initial stages you may find your mind drifting but gradually you will learn to focus more and more.

Try to focus on the "here" and the "now" and not on the tomorrow or the yesterday. After all we all live in todays and not in yesterdays and tomorrows!
The Mind Settling Procedure:

Sit comfortably in silence with your eyes closed for 30 seconds.

Perform a brief body massage. (Some meditation traditions recommend that the massage be executed slightly differently for men and women, and I would like to describe these recommendations here.)

The massage begins by gently pressing the hands against the face, then upward on the top of the head, back down the neck, and towards the heart. (By the way, all massage elements move towards, and finish at the heart.)

Then, men continue by gently using the left hand to press and massage, first the right hand, and then up the arm, and back down towards the heart. Again, this is all done with the left hand.

Women do the same, but they begin by massaging the left hand and arm (back toward the heart) with the right hand. Then both men and women switch arms and massage the other hand and arm, again, back toward the heart. Then men continue by massaging the right foot and leg, upward toward the heart. This is done by pressing with both hands gently.

Then, massage the left foot and leg, again, upward toward the heart. Women do the same, but they begin with the left foot and leg, upward toward the heart, before repeating the process for the right foot and leg. This is best done with the eyes closed. The total time for the massage is about a minute.

While sitting comfortably with the back straight, perform a breathing technique that is called "pranayama." Begin with 10 seconds of fast pranayama. This is done using very short, gentle breaths, closing one nostril at a time after each outward and inward breath.

Close the nostrils (one at a time) with the thumb and the middle fingers (alternately) of one hand. Men use their right hand to do this while women use their left. The mechanics of the procedure are similar to slow pranayama (see below), except that the breaths are very short and rapid (although still gentle).

This is best done with the eyes closed. The procedure should be effortless and easy, and if someone is experiencing any problems like dizziness or hyperventilation, it is being performed incorrectly and its practice should be discontinued until getting personal instructions in this technique.

While sitting comfortably with the back straight, perform 9 to 10 minutes of slow pranayama. This is done similarly as with the fast pranayama, but using normal breaths (not short or long ones), closing one nostril at a time after each outward and inward breath. Be sure to complete both the outward and inward breath before switching nostrils. On exhaling, let the breath flow out naturally, not forcing it. The inhaling breath should take about half the time as the exhaling breath.

Hold your breath after inhaling for a brief moment (a second or two) while alternatively closing the other nostril with the other finger, and prepare to exhale. The entire procedure should be effortless and gentle. If you feel you need more air, simply take deeper breaths, but do not hyperventilate. You should be breathing normally, just alternating nostrils after exhaling and inhaling. This is best done with the eyes closed.

Sit quietly and comfortably for 5 minutes with the eyes closed.

Article Source:

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