Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Meditation Using Binaural Beats

By Phillip Meyer

About six years ago I came across a new technology that helped with my meditation like nothing before. I have been meditating for as long as I can remember and was no novice at it when I learned about Binaural Beats and how using them, people around the world were gaining the ability to meditate just like the zen monks with 20 years plus practice.

This I thought was to good to be true so I ordered the demo from a respectable company which I will talk about later. This was a turning point in my life, I pushed the button on my CD player and to my surprise not only could I meditate better, but I felt a great shift in my ability to hold and stay in a deep meditative state, it was like magic. Instant meditation at the push of a button "Wow".

Let me explain a little more about just what these binaural beats are. One frequency it delivered to one ear while another of a different frequency to the other and the brain picks up on both at the same time and blends them into one. This results in whole brain thinking and both left and right hemispheres of the brain begin to think more and more as one. The binaural beats can be progressive by using deeper and deeper carrier waves and your meditative experience will growth great depths as you progress.

The technology works by taking you through the stages of Alpha, beta, Theta and Delta and over time deeper into delta than you have ever been before, this is where the magic happens and you will feel a lasting shift in your every day life. Feel better and have a great mood most of the time, it increases your ability to just let everything be OK. I highly recommend you kick start your meditative practice no matter what level you are at. I don't recommend very many things unless they really have the mojo and I have had tremendous results with binaural beats in my meditation practice.

Do yourself a favor and get on over to my blog and sign up for the newsletter, I have some very important and exciting news to share with you about the company that is the cutting edge in this technology as well as a wealth of other information about meditation and many other helpful subjects about mind, body and spirit. Meditation has been around before written records of the practice and now it has come to a whole new level. I cannot express the importance of getting started in a meditation routine, it is helpful in just about all areas in your life. Better health and well being are just around the corner and anyone can take advantage from the young to the old.



Meditaion Destination Crew thanks you and hopes you will drop by our blog and check us out you will be happy that you found us.http://meditationdestination.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Phillip_Meyer

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