Friday, June 27, 2008

Meditation to Achieve Your Goals - How to Use the Power of Your Subconscious to Create What You Want

By Katie Evans

Imagine you are walking along a path in an open forest. You notice the sky above you and the sun shining gently overhead. You feel safe and secure and you're just enjoying yourself. You begin to notice the life in this forest, the trees, bushes, grasses, flowers. You can smell the plants and trees. Perhaps you even reach out and touch a leaf or the bark of a tree. You feel alive and full of life. Just take a moment to be on your path and take in what is around you.

You walk along the path and up ahead, you notice that there is an obstacle blocking your path. And you really want to keep walking on this path. As you get closer the obstacle becomes clearer and you see that it is a wall and that the wall has a sign on it.

Take a minute to see sense or imagine this wall. How tall is it? How thick is it?

What color is it? What does it feel like? How does it make you feel?

You know that this obstacle is what is keeping you from attaining your goal. Perhaps the sign on the wall can tell you what the wall represents. Imagine what the sign says now.

You can dismantle that wall using any powers you can imagine. Begin to deconstruct the wall now until you can see past it. Beyond the wall you see yourself having achieved your goal. Take a moment to imagine life on the other side of this wall - What is the weather like? What do you imagine it is like over there?

You know you want to be on that side of the wall and that you have the tools you need to get there. You can continue to knock down this wall and you can return and continue this work at anytime, just by closing your eyes and imagining it. By doing this you are getting closer to the life that you truly want for your self. Take a few seconds just to feel, see or imagine that power rising with in you. Allow your self to feel that power and to feel good about it.

Repeat this exercise every day, spending just a few moments a day, until you achieve your goal.

Katie Evans is the founder and CEO of the Living Lite Weight Loss Program, which shows people HOW to create a healthier lifestyle. When you use hypnosis and the incredible power of your subconscious mind, you will never diet again, you will simply learn how to create a new relationship with food. For those who wish to make a living helping people heal their lives so they can lose weight and keep it off, there are now Living Lite Franchises available.This is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to own her own business (we accept men franchisees, too!) and still have support and guidance in setting up the systems. Ms. Evans is a published author, lecturer and entrepreneur. She also teaches "The Mental Game of Golf" on cruise ships. You can reach Katie at: or or

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